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How to Grow Beetroot from Seed

The following two lists shows what tools and equipment I used to grow the Beetroot. Not all are strictly necessary but they are listed for completeness. For example - or you can simply use string in place of a line marker - or you can use re-cycled pots from last year if you have them.

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Things You Will Need to Grow Beetroot

Tools You Will Need to Grow Beetroot

Step by Step Guide

If you want a quick overview then I suggest you first watch my Youtube Video How to Grow Beetroot from Seed . The following steps are also in the video but more detail is given in the sections below:

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seed packet
Step 1. Buy Some Seeds

Beetroot Seeds are available in Garden Stores or you can buy them on-line.

The variety that I am showing you how to grow here is called 'Detroit 2'.

seed packet rear

On the rear of the packet are usually shown growing times and instructions for your region.

seed tray
Step 2: Get A Seed Tray

Buy a Seedling Starter Tray with multiple cells as shown in the photgraph.

fill tray with compost
Step 3: Fill the Seed Tray with Compost

Fill the Seed Tray with Compost up to the top.

water compost

Press the compost down first to remove any air pockets.

water compost
Step 4: Water the Compost

Seeds need air, heat and water to germinate. It is best to moisten the compost before adding the seeds otherwise they can all be washed to the edges of the tray if you water afterwards.

Step 5: Place the Seeds on the Compost

Take the seeds from the packet and place them on the compost.

place seeds on compost

Place 2 seeds in each cell - in oposite corners.

cover with compost
Step 6: Cover the Seeds with Compost

Cover the seeds with 10mm (1/4 inch) of compost. Press the compost down gently to remove any air pockets. This allows the seeds to make contact with the moist compost and absorb water which they need to germinate.

Keep in a warm place and keep moist.

fit label
Step 7: Fit a Label

This is important, especially so if you have several Trays growing lots of plants. It can be several weeks until the seeds germinate and when they do it is not obvious what plants they are. So it is a good idea to identify them.

I use home made labels - sometimes from laminated paper and sometimes from wooden stirrers from coffee shops. You can also buy ready made Labels if you prefer.

seeds germinate
Step 8: Seeds Germinate

Within 14 to 21 days the seeds will germinate. Kepp warm and watered.

keep warm

Keep warm and watered and the seedlings will gradually get larger.

mark a line
Step 9: Plant Outside

When the plants have at least 6 leaves it is time to plant them outside.

Mark a line where you want to position the plants with a length of string or use a Garden Line Marker.

dig soil

Use a Spade and Fork to dig your soil. Remove any stones and weeds.

rake soil

Next use a Rake to rake the soil into a fine tilth. Remove any large stones.

make a hole

Open up a small round hole in the soil using a Dibber.

water plants

Give the plant tray a good watering. This makes the Beetroot easier to dig out and helps them during the transplanting process.

remove from tray

Hold the Beetroot plant by its leaves and carefully remove it from the seed tray. If its roots tangle with the other plant in the cell then gently tease them apart.

press soil

Place the Beetroot root in the hole and gently press soil around it being careful not to damage it.

The plants should be spaced 2 finger widths apart. Each row should be 10cm (4 inches) apart in rows that are 30cm (12 inch) apart.

water in

Give the plants a good soaking to establish them into position. Dont worry if they look limp in the first few days. Keep watering and they will quickly recover.

keep weed free
Step 10: Keep Weed free and Watered

Keep weed free and watered.

grow on

The plants will slowly mature.

Step 11: Harvest

When the roots are 5 to 7.5cm (2 to 3 inch) in diameter it is time to pull them from the ground

Harvest every second Beetroot as the extra space will encourage those left in the ground to grow bigger.

Twist the tops off as this prevents bleeding.

Step 12: Enjoy!

Beetroot has many health benefits as they are packed with essential nutrients. They are high in fiber and have great anti-oxidant properties.

LearnHow2 Youtube Video - How to Grow Beetroot from Seed